Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Causes for Constructing the Great Wall of China Essay Sample free essay sample

As is known to all. China is a state with an ancient civilisation. which has existed for over 5. 000 old ages. Historical bookmans from all over the universe are interested in every individual historic relic of this state. The Great Wall of China. wonder of architecture in this universe. played a important function in the Chinese historical phase. Even today. it besides has a great influence on China ( The Great Wall. 2006 ) . Could you conceive of that a 6. 260 kilometer long ( non including gullies and some natural defensive base on ballss ) and highly old firedrake is merely populating on Earth with us? ( Great Wall of China. 2011 ) . It is said that â€Å"you’re non a adult male if you haven’t climbed the Great Wall† ( A Sketchy View. 2006 ) . Since going a celebrated tourer attractive force. people have barely paid attending to the Great Wall’s beginning. Tourists go and spend clip at that place. Unfortunately. tonss of them know small about it. To co gnize the history of the Great Wall and analyze it. is a good manner to understand ourselves. Therefore. the grounds for constructing the Great Wall of China will do a profound impact on stating us what our ascendants used to make. and it could be a warning against war as good. This paper reports the history of the Great Wall and the important causes for the building of it. The Great Wall of China is located in north China. It starts from Gansu state to Liaoning state. The walls are 25 foots ( 7. 6 m ) in tallness and 15-30 foot ( 4. 6-9. 1 m ) broad at the base. Besides. the walls are 12 foots ( 3. 7 m ) high at the top ( Great Wall of China. 2011 ) . Since the Great Wall is a immense technology undertaking. there are a great trade of popular myths traveling around about it. Although a 1932 sketch points out that the wall is â€Å"the mightiest work of adult male. the lone 1 that would be seeable to the human oculus from the moon† . it was merely a rumour ( Whether the Great. 2006 ) . The wall was known as some 4. 300 stat mis long and 2. 200 old ages old. which was besides wrong ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . Actually. the Great Wall is formed by a series of walls. and the chief portion is a few 100 stat mis long near Beijing. The original parts of the wal ls can be traced back to the Warring States period ( 481-221 BCE ) . but the walls were merely made of Earth because the accomplishment of doing brick was non every bit good as today ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . Furthermore. the well-known Great Wall is merely approximately 450 old ages old ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . [ movie ] ( China Today. 2008 )The building began by human being’s aggressive behaviour and desire for power. The original intent for constructing the Great Wall of China was to support against northern tribes’ onslaught ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . which can be dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period in the seventh century B. C. ( Lu. 2008 ) . Although the Chinese authorities tried to repair the walls at the terminal of the twentieth century ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . the historical significance is non every bit of import as the immense work in 214 BCE. After holding united ancient China. Emperor Qin Shihuangdi decided to link the munitions and walls in liege provinces to consolidate his power ( Lu. 2008 ) . This is considered the first combine building. Because of hegemonism. rebellions happened often in the last stage of the Qin dynasty. In add-on. to construct the Great Wall required big disbursals. and the imperium couldn’t afford it any more. Qin Shihuangdi had to pay more attending to set down rebellions everyplace ( A Sketchy View. 2006 ) . Finally. the celebrated Qin dynasty became nonextant. The emperor Wudi took over Qin Shihuangdi and founded the Han dynasty ( 206 B. C. ) . However. the menace which came from the north hadn’t been stopped yet. The Han dynasty had to confront the attackers. such as folks of Mongols. Turks and Tunguz ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . In order to protect the boundary line. the Han dynasty had to do some defence policies to reenforce the walls. During his reign. the Great Wall was repaired and extended much longer. The walls were extended over 3. 700 stat mis ( 6. 000 kilometres ) from western Dunhuang to the eastern Bohai Sea. even though the chief portion is merely a few 100 stat mis long ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . Around the boundary line. there was a great resettlement of Chinese people. Almost 180. 000 local reserves soldiers got together in Gansu state in 102 B. C. to protect the state with the Great Wall ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . After the autumn of the Han dynasty ( 220 A. D. ) . ancient China went into the dark age which started from the terminal of the Han dynasty to the Sui dynasty in 589 CE ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . During this period. the Great Wall besides went into its mediaeval phase. However. the cold building and fix undertaking stopped out of the blue. Except for the Northern Wei ( a 600-mile-part of the wall was built in the sixth century ) . the walls were merely built on occasion. The most obvious illustration is the Tang dynasty ( 618-907 ) . The ground why people no longer thought of doing the building was that the military power at that clip was unprecedentedly strong. Furthermore. China was considered the world’s most booming state during the Tang dynasty. Not merely the authorities but besides citizens enjoyed the Tang period really much. They had assurance. they even neer worried about onslaughts from the folk ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . The peaceable universe couldn’t last long. As clip went by. jobs came out once more. The Ming dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) was shrouded in serious and eternal wars ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . Tribes from the north fought on and on with the Chinese. In fact. the Ming dynasty’s intent was to derive more lands from the North. After a long period of struggle. all their battles were in vain. The Oirats beat the Ming ground forces in the conflict of Tumu in 1449. The Ming had no pick but to seek to maintain the mobile Mongols out of the original boundary line by constructing the walls ( The Great Wall. 2006 ) . Therefore. the thought of constructing the Great Wall. which was considered a new scheme. was accepted by the swayer once more. During the period of the Ming dynasty. 3. 500 stat mis ( 5. 650 kilometres ) of strong walls were built ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . The walls had to be built along the Ordos Desert’s southern border because the Mongols had already captured the desert ( The Great Wall. 2006 ) . Nevertheless. the walls were built really carefully at this clip. every individual brick was incredibly matched. There were over 25. 000 towers and 15. 000 outstations along the walls. They could be used as military territories every bit good. such as troop Stationss and fortresses ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . All bricks from the walls were made of rock. alternatively of Earth. during the Ming building. The walls were repaired really frequently every bit good. In contrast. the building was the strongest in history. Actually. the portion which is good known by tourers. is the Ming building. As we have seen. the emphasis came from the disincentive. and the disincentive led to the perfect defence. The thought of constructing the wall was ever brought about by the people who were afraid of war ( The Great Wall. 2006 ) . By and large talking. there have been four major buildings: †¢ 208 BC ( the Qin dynasty )†¢ first century BC ( the Han dynasty )†¢ 1138-1198 ( the Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period )†¢ 1368-1620 ( the Ming dynasty )( The Great Wall. 2006 ) There were besides some other causes for constructing the Great Wall. Chinese functionaries ever made good usage of the Great Wall. They regarded it as an issue and entry topographic point. Besides. authoritiess needed it to assist them command trade. For illustration. boundary line guards would look into the passports of travellers who wanted to come in the state. in order to maintain silk trade or tea trade safe ( Langerbein. 2009 ) . The garrisons could besides be used to direct fume signals from one to another. In add-on. the passageways along the Great Wall could either assist travel the military personnel flexibly or function as the route for kings’ trips in peacetime ( The Great Wall. 2011 ) . This paper has shown three of import stages of the building of the Great Wall. As one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. every individual brick can state a narrative of China. Emperors from different dynasties had their ain desires to construct the wall. No affair what the grounds were. such as beef uping power. supporting foraies or dividing people. the Great Wall of China ever had a close relation with wars. Furthermore. the Great Wall separated non merely the people but besides the civilization and civilisation. The wall symbolizes feudal system. Constructing a wall does non equal freedom ; in contrast. people are still seeking freedom. The Great Wall of China may be a typical illustration to demo states. which are being attacked. that struggle will neer be eliminated if isolation still exists. Mentions The great wall of China. ( 2006 ) . Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www. greatwall-of-china. com/51-90/the-great-wall-of-china. html The great wall of China. ( 2011 ) . Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www. globalmountainsummit. org/great-wall-of-china. html A unelaborated position of the great wall – why great? ( 2006 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. greatwall-of-china. com/51-5/a-sketchy-view-of-the-great-wall-why-great. hypertext markup language Whether the great wall is seeable from the Moon. ( 2006 ) . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. greatwall-of-china. com/42-88/whether-the-great-wall-is-visible-from-the-moon. hypertext markup language Langerbein. H. ( 2009 ) . Great bloopers? : the great wall of

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